Sunday 3 January 2010

More evidence of Cheryl Merrill’s Cyberstalking

In the latest video Merrill has posted on her hate-full blog “” (aka “Cheryl Merrill vs. Edmond Wollmann”), Merrill makes an idiotic mistake: She shows a pushpin she created in Google Earth for “Paul Davidson” (the video has been archived in case of later legal need). Why would Cheryl Merrill need to create a Google Earth record for Paul Davidson if not for Cyberstalking?

Why would Merrill cyberstalk Paul Davidson? Because Merrill is more than a mega-fan of Kristy MacNichol. Merrill once created an entire site devoted to MacNichol (violating dozens of copyrights in the process, posting images she had no rights to*). Paul Davidson, who writes an entertaining blog, made some snarky comments about repeatedly running into MacNichol in real life, jokingly suggesting that MacNichol was ’stalking” him.

Enter obsessed MacNichol fan Merrill to the defense! Her complaints about Davidson’s light-hearteed, humorous jibes were over the top, to the point that Davidson called her a “crazy jazz singing lady”. This caused steam to pour out of Merrill’s ears and her veins to pop. Not only did she ratchet up the vitriol in comments on Davidson’s blog, but she started in on defaming comments about him on her own blog.

Not satisified with that level of vindictiveness, Merrill started to vandalize (several times) Davidson’s Wikipedia page, attempting to denigrate and discredit him. Davidson soon learned the Golden Rule in dealing with Merrill; Displease her, or criticize her, and she will be all over you like a cheap suit. A nasty, hateful, cyberstalking cheap suit.

*Wikipedia also forced down copyrighted images of MacNichol that Merrill posted for an article there. Notice a pattern here?

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