Monday, 4 January 2010

Merrill digs her hole even deeper with latest dumbass move...

Cheryl Merrill recently took a trip to Opposite Planet and filed a Restraining Order against Edmond Wollmann with a triumphant flourish...which, on Opposite Planet, means a spectacular bellyflop.

Merrill wants people to believe so badly that it wasn't her who originally emailed Violet Blue with a death threat back in May, 2007. First, she claimed, with zero evidence, it was Joel Utman. Then, she inexplicably switched her blame game and said Ed Wollmann did it. No reason to believe her ridiculous lies. No reason for the switch, no evidence for her assertion.

Which was made, despite the fact that the IP numbers from her original death threat email matched every one of the other intimidating, malicious, threatening emails she sent to Violet Blue. There is no evidence that Merrill puts forth whatsoever that anyone had the ability to "grab" her IP address. She just hopes that if she acts the victim loudly enough they won't see that she's the one who maliciously contacted Blue.

So, it was obviously, unquestionably Merrill who emailed Blue. All the evidence points to her: Her IP Numbers. Her vicious, attacking manner. Her angry use of the word "cunt". But here is Merrill's not-believable story: "It was an imposter who impersonated me that did it".

Merrill wants us to believe this, yet she absolutely refuses to believe Wollmann when HE says " "It was an imposter who impersonated me that did it".

Oh, so that could only happen to you, Merrill, and no one else? Why, if you think that couldn't be the case with Wollmann, should we believe you when *you* use that same argument about Violet Blue? Couldn't Wollmann have been the victim of a "hacking" imposter also, Cheryl? You gave him ZERO benefit of the doubt and began a 2 year tirade against him. Yet you want everyone to believe *your* ridiculous alibis and excuses; et you want every bit of the benefit of the doubt when it comes to you.

Merrill has been told so many times by so many people that Edmond Wollmann (regardless of being the apparent Net Eccentric that he is) is not the person who has been making blogs about her.

Wollmann has told her. Wollmann's Boss has told her. A subpoena'ed AOL has told her. A website that even she points to shows: Wollmann couldn't have used that email address because he'd lost that account on AOL for spamming. Even the guy who originally contacted her with Wollmann's old email address told her!

But Merrill doesn't want to listen. Why? Because if she doesn't have someone to blame and tear down, her world falls apart. Because she thinks she's found a good fall guy to frame. Someone to project her own pathological behaviors on. Wollmann doesn't have the greatest rep on the Interwebs. A shady past. So Merrill figures she will skewer him with his past, hoping it will eclipse her own bad behavior, so she can point the blame elsewhere, and distract attention from her own repugnant history. How could someone not pin all this on an Internet Bad Guy, she figures? She figures wrong.

It's a strategy that will fail. Awfully. Miserably. Mister Judgy don't PLAY dat shit.

Then, she states, in a court document, that Wollmann created the (extinct) blog at That wasn't his blog; it was Joel Utman's (aka Joel Sean Gray) . That's ridiculous. I don't know why she ascribes that one to Wollmann. Utman/Grey was the fella who used the misspelling "lier"; a pretty distinctive trait. No one has ever accused Merrill of being smart, crafty, or clever, though.

Merrill claimed that blog came down after her deposition of Wollmann. Yeah? So? It also came down after her court battle with Utman/Gray. The one where she GOT A RESTRAINING ORDER against the guy. Doesn't it make more sense that a website came down after a guy got a Restraining Order against him? Yet she insists the blog was Wollmann's. Again, ZERO evidence for this. Merrill hasn't the ability or intellectual capacity to use logic or cause and effect to tie together the facts; she's using her own moronic brand of Silly String. Which is goofy and falls apart, as you know.

By the way, she stated at Wollmann's deposition that if that website came down, she would drop the suit against Wollmann. The site did go down (because Utman took it down, duh!) Did Merrill honor her word? No. Because her word is SHIT.

So she boasts of this "Big Kahuna" restraining order she has now filed against Wollmann. She sure spent a lot of time on it. And it was all a waste. There's no evidence Wollmann is doing anything to contact her. But he'd have every right to; Jesus, for two fucking years she's been stalking, harassing, defaming Wollmann on her blog. Does she really think that no one else has the right to treat her the way she treats others?

She is just going to get this HUGE wake-up call next time she goes to court. Her entire case against Wollmann is and is predicated on bullshit, and she's just gambling that the Judge will buy her bloated bullshit. Ain't gonna happen, Merrill. What does it take to get through to you? How do you convince an insane person that Up is Up and Down is Down?

Damn, woman. Wake UP. The failure is YOU.

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