Cheryl Merrill recently took a trip to Opposite Planet and filed a Restraining Order against Edmond Wollmann with a triumphant flourish...which, on Opposite Planet, means a spectacular bellyflop.
Merrill wants people to believe so badly that it wasn't her who originally emailed Violet Blue with a death threat back in May, 2007. First, she claimed, with zero evidence, it was Joel Utman. Then, she inexplicably switched her blame game and said Ed Wollmann did it. No reason to believe her ridiculous lies. No reason for the switch, no evidence for her assertion.
Which was made, despite the fact that the IP numbers from her original death threat email matched every one of the other intimidating, malicious, threatening emails she sent to Violet Blue. There is no evidence that Merrill puts forth whatsoever that anyone had the ability to "grab" her IP address. She just hopes that if she acts the victim loudly enough they won't see that she's the one who maliciously contacted Blue.
So, it was obviously, unquestionably Merrill who emailed Blue. All the evidence points to her: Her IP Numbers. Her vicious, attacking manner. Her angry use of the word "cunt". But here is Merrill's not-believable story: "It was an imposter who impersonated me that did it".
Merrill wants us to believe this, yet she absolutely refuses to believe Wollmann when HE says " "It was an imposter who impersonated me that did it".
Oh, so that could only happen to you, Merrill, and no one else? Why, if you think that couldn't be the case with Wollmann, should we believe you when *you* use that same argument about Violet Blue? Couldn't Wollmann have been the victim of a "hacking" imposter also, Cheryl? You gave him ZERO benefit of the doubt and began a 2 year tirade against him. Yet you want everyone to believe *your* ridiculous alibis and excuses; et you want every bit of the benefit of the doubt when it comes to you.
Merrill has been told so many times by so many people that Edmond Wollmann (regardless of being the apparent Net Eccentric that he is) is not the person who has been making blogs about her.
Wollmann has told her. Wollmann's Boss has told her. A subpoena'ed AOL has told her. A website that even she points to shows: Wollmann couldn't have used that email address because he'd lost that account on AOL for spamming. Even the guy who originally contacted her with Wollmann's old email address told her!
But Merrill doesn't want to listen. Why? Because if she doesn't have someone to blame and tear down, her world falls apart. Because she thinks she's found a good fall guy to frame. Someone to project her own pathological behaviors on. Wollmann doesn't have the greatest rep on the Interwebs. A shady past. So Merrill figures she will skewer him with his past, hoping it will eclipse her own bad behavior, so she can point the blame elsewhere, and distract attention from her own repugnant history. How could someone not pin all this on an Internet Bad Guy, she figures? She figures wrong.
It's a strategy that will fail. Awfully. Miserably. Mister Judgy don't PLAY dat shit.
Then, she states, in a court document, that Wollmann created the (extinct) blog at That wasn't his blog; it was Joel Utman's (aka Joel Sean Gray) . That's ridiculous. I don't know why she ascribes that one to Wollmann. Utman/Grey was the fella who used the misspelling "lier"; a pretty distinctive trait. No one has ever accused Merrill of being smart, crafty, or clever, though.
Merrill claimed that blog came down after her deposition of Wollmann. Yeah? So? It also came down after her court battle with Utman/Gray. The one where she GOT A RESTRAINING ORDER against the guy. Doesn't it make more sense that a website came down after a guy got a Restraining Order against him? Yet she insists the blog was Wollmann's. Again, ZERO evidence for this. Merrill hasn't the ability or intellectual capacity to use logic or cause and effect to tie together the facts; she's using her own moronic brand of Silly String. Which is goofy and falls apart, as you know.
By the way, she stated at Wollmann's deposition that if that website came down, she would drop the suit against Wollmann. The site did go down (because Utman took it down, duh!) Did Merrill honor her word? No. Because her word is SHIT.
So she boasts of this "Big Kahuna" restraining order she has now filed against Wollmann. She sure spent a lot of time on it. And it was all a waste. There's no evidence Wollmann is doing anything to contact her. But he'd have every right to; Jesus, for two fucking years she's been stalking, harassing, defaming Wollmann on her blog. Does she really think that no one else has the right to treat her the way she treats others?
She is just going to get this HUGE wake-up call next time she goes to court. Her entire case against Wollmann is and is predicated on bullshit, and she's just gambling that the Judge will buy her bloated bullshit. Ain't gonna happen, Merrill. What does it take to get through to you? How do you convince an insane person that Up is Up and Down is Down?
Damn, woman. Wake UP. The failure is YOU.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Cheryl Merrill reveals she currently has TWO Restraining Orders against her!
Cheryl Merrill currently has two extant Restraining Orders filed against her and lawfully obtained.
The first was obtained by Joel Sean Gray in Martinez California, as a result of court case Case MSN09-1046 in late summer 2009 that runs for three years.
The second is one that Edmond Wollmann had served on her, as Merrill admits on 01/04/09: "The defendant...{filed} a restraining order...having it served by the San Francisco Sheriff Department..."
Still to discover: Which one resulted in the stripping of her Second Amendment Rights (thank God!):
"So you write on a blog you plan on getting gun training and anyone, even a paranoid schizophrenic, can complain about feeling threatened by it to the Court. The Court can issue an order stating you can't get a gun and doesn't care how much they lied under oath. The Court wants to keep guns out of citizen's hands and will look for any excuse or false claim to do it." -Cheryl Merrill, 7/24/09
Everyone out there playing the home game, are you keeping track of all these?
Cheryl Merrill has had Restraining Orders obtained against her for her crazy behavior towards:
Joyce Cassells
Chris Bridge
Joel Sean Gray
Edmond Wollmann
Am I missing any?
How many NORMAL people do you know that have had even ONE R.O. placed against them? Plus, she went to JAIL FOR TWO WEEKS because of an alarming, disturbing fax she sent to Sheila Rogers. What part of "she is acting like a batshit crazy insane loopty loop" doesn't she understand?
Obviously, this lady hasn't read and followed "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie!
The first was obtained by Joel Sean Gray in Martinez California, as a result of court case Case MSN09-1046 in late summer 2009 that runs for three years.
The second is one that Edmond Wollmann had served on her, as Merrill admits on 01/04/09: "The defendant...{filed} a restraining order...having it served by the San Francisco Sheriff Department..."
Still to discover: Which one resulted in the stripping of her Second Amendment Rights (thank God!):
"So you write on a blog you plan on getting gun training and anyone, even a paranoid schizophrenic, can complain about feeling threatened by it to the Court. The Court can issue an order stating you can't get a gun and doesn't care how much they lied under oath. The Court wants to keep guns out of citizen's hands and will look for any excuse or false claim to do it." -Cheryl Merrill, 7/24/09
Everyone out there playing the home game, are you keeping track of all these?
Cheryl Merrill has had Restraining Orders obtained against her for her crazy behavior towards:
Joyce Cassells
Chris Bridge
Joel Sean Gray
Edmond Wollmann
Am I missing any?
How many NORMAL people do you know that have had even ONE R.O. placed against them? Plus, she went to JAIL FOR TWO WEEKS because of an alarming, disturbing fax she sent to Sheila Rogers. What part of "she is acting like a batshit crazy insane loopty loop" doesn't she understand?
Obviously, this lady hasn't read and followed "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie!
Waah! Cheryl Merrill crybabys when Karma Rips her a New One.
Oh, poor little victim Cheryl Merril. Someone has gone and put up a RipOff Report on her! Oh the horror! This shrieking CyberBitch wants to whine and complain about being "defamed" by a RipOff Report? Maybe she shouldn't have filed FOURTEEN or more RipOff Reports defaming other people then, huh?
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Scott Gross:
She was hired by Gross and then he fired her when he found out about the Wiliams-Sonoma Restraining Order against her. Perfectly within his rights to do so and so then Merrill files complaints and puts up another RipOff Report. It's always other people Cheryl it's never you. Riiiiight.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Sheila Rogers:
"These people fucked with my life and trashed me. They wanted me instatutionalized. I haven't had sex but for once in 20 years. Sheila Rogers fucked up my life for years and is a cruel cold hearted bitch I couldn't even get a kiss out of"
Man, this one really epitomizes shows how sick, obsessed, and twisted Merrill really is. Everybody sees it but her.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming her own Father, Buddy Merrill:
Wow. Too much information, freak. Nobody wanted to hear about Mackenzie Phillips banging her Dad, and nobody needed to hear about your issues with Buddy. All you do is sound like a disgruntled whiner who trashes people without recognizing your own faults, Cheryl.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Kirkland-Ellis:
Kirkland-Ellis fired her. So naturally they get a public browbeating by someone who can't learn to straighten the hell out and shut the fuck up. Oh, and does she put Kirkland-Ellis on her resume to puff herself up on LinkedIn? Of course she does. Does she mention she got her cranky crazy ass fired from there? Of course she doesn't.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Audrey Wulff:
Oh my. Ms Wulff was Merrill's boss. Merrill calls her a "Fag Hag", "Foreigner", "Socialist", and more. Disgruntled much, nutcase?
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Chris Bridge:
Merrill has stalking Bridge, got slapped with an R.O., so naturally merrill puts up a RipOff Report on the poor guy. Standard Operating Procedure for a Psycho Bitch.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Joyce Cassells:
This is the roommate who filed for (and received) a Restraining Order against Merrill. Merrill assaulted her and caused a welt on her face. Merrill is one nasty, threatening bitch.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Williams-Sonoma Corp:
This is the company that FIRED Merrill after her typical shenanigans. They filed (and obtained) a Restraining Order against her after she was stalking Williams-Sonoma employee Chris Bridge.Early in her stint there, she got favorable write-ups. Then she showed her true nature. Can you believe she still touts her "favorable reviews" from Williams-Sonoma even after she was fired and slapped with an R.O.? I can, because I'm pretty sure she's absolutely nuts.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Danny Khatib:
Merrill posts hateful diatribes on Zimbio, Khatib yanks them down. Merrill goes postal and defames Khatib. All a perfectly natural sequence of events for a paranoid jackass.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Edmond Wollmann:
" Edmund Wollmann Nortorious On-Line Predator, Spammer, Defamer, KOOK - Needs Medication & Psychiatrist " This is the Ultimate Pot calling the Kettle Black.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Steve Eberhard:
Eberhard arrested Merrill for speeding, then evading an Officer. She went to jail for it. So she accuses him of "virtual rape" among other mind-bending, bizarre accusations.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Joan Woodward:
"Joan Woodward Ripoff Victimized a Co-Worker For Her Serious Personal Problems" If you're the Co-Worker, Cheryl it's good to see you admit you have serious personal problems.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Philip Marigman:
You wonder why she feels the need to point out that he is "Chinese".
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming the Taraval Police Department:
Yeah, Cheryl, Cassells filed a report on you because you assaulted her: "The police came onto the property, first to give me a ticket for assault, claiming there was a "welt" on Ms. Pacific Heights face. She took a photo of her own face as her only evidence." Right. Silly Joyce. She should remember to videotape it the next time you smack her.
So MANY RipOff Reports against so many people Cheryl. But you're being a big crybaby when someone does the same thing to you. So why is it okay to defame and defile anyone you see fit on RipOff Reports but it's such a huge injury if the same gets done to you? Seriously. How the fuck does your twisted mind think you can get away with this type of shit and then have anyone believe you when you cry that you're the victim? Hypocritical Bitch. Karma hurts when it hits, doesn't it?
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Scott Gross:
She was hired by Gross and then he fired her when he found out about the Wiliams-Sonoma Restraining Order against her. Perfectly within his rights to do so and so then Merrill files complaints and puts up another RipOff Report. It's always other people Cheryl it's never you. Riiiiight.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Sheila Rogers:
"These people fucked with my life and trashed me. They wanted me instatutionalized. I haven't had sex but for once in 20 years. Sheila Rogers fucked up my life for years and is a cruel cold hearted bitch I couldn't even get a kiss out of"
Man, this one really epitomizes shows how sick, obsessed, and twisted Merrill really is. Everybody sees it but her.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming her own Father, Buddy Merrill:
Wow. Too much information, freak. Nobody wanted to hear about Mackenzie Phillips banging her Dad, and nobody needed to hear about your issues with Buddy. All you do is sound like a disgruntled whiner who trashes people without recognizing your own faults, Cheryl.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Kirkland-Ellis:
Kirkland-Ellis fired her. So naturally they get a public browbeating by someone who can't learn to straighten the hell out and shut the fuck up. Oh, and does she put Kirkland-Ellis on her resume to puff herself up on LinkedIn? Of course she does. Does she mention she got her cranky crazy ass fired from there? Of course she doesn't.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Audrey Wulff:
Oh my. Ms Wulff was Merrill's boss. Merrill calls her a "Fag Hag", "Foreigner", "Socialist", and more. Disgruntled much, nutcase?
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Chris Bridge:
Merrill has stalking Bridge, got slapped with an R.O., so naturally merrill puts up a RipOff Report on the poor guy. Standard Operating Procedure for a Psycho Bitch.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Joyce Cassells:
This is the roommate who filed for (and received) a Restraining Order against Merrill. Merrill assaulted her and caused a welt on her face. Merrill is one nasty, threatening bitch.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Williams-Sonoma Corp:
This is the company that FIRED Merrill after her typical shenanigans. They filed (and obtained) a Restraining Order against her after she was stalking Williams-Sonoma employee Chris Bridge.Early in her stint there, she got favorable write-ups. Then she showed her true nature. Can you believe she still touts her "favorable reviews" from Williams-Sonoma even after she was fired and slapped with an R.O.? I can, because I'm pretty sure she's absolutely nuts.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Danny Khatib:
Merrill posts hateful diatribes on Zimbio, Khatib yanks them down. Merrill goes postal and defames Khatib. All a perfectly natural sequence of events for a paranoid jackass.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Edmond Wollmann:
" Edmund Wollmann Nortorious On-Line Predator, Spammer, Defamer, KOOK - Needs Medication & Psychiatrist " This is the Ultimate Pot calling the Kettle Black.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Steve Eberhard:
Eberhard arrested Merrill for speeding, then evading an Officer. She went to jail for it. So she accuses him of "virtual rape" among other mind-bending, bizarre accusations.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Joan Woodward:
"Joan Woodward Ripoff Victimized a Co-Worker For Her Serious Personal Problems" If you're the Co-Worker, Cheryl it's good to see you admit you have serious personal problems.
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming Philip Marigman:
You wonder why she feels the need to point out that he is "Chinese".
Cheryl Merrill files a vindictive RipOff Report defaming the Taraval Police Department:
Yeah, Cheryl, Cassells filed a report on you because you assaulted her: "The police came onto the property, first to give me a ticket for assault, claiming there was a "welt" on Ms. Pacific Heights face. She took a photo of her own face as her only evidence." Right. Silly Joyce. She should remember to videotape it the next time you smack her.
So MANY RipOff Reports against so many people Cheryl. But you're being a big crybaby when someone does the same thing to you. So why is it okay to defame and defile anyone you see fit on RipOff Reports but it's such a huge injury if the same gets done to you? Seriously. How the fuck does your twisted mind think you can get away with this type of shit and then have anyone believe you when you cry that you're the victim? Hypocritical Bitch. Karma hurts when it hits, doesn't it?
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Cheryl Merrill's Woeful Ignorance and Abuse of the Legal Process
Cheryl Merrill thinks she has an ace in the hole. She thinks because she was standing in line with an attorney who told her that "Courts rarely award Attorney's fees" that she can sue and sue and not have to pay the other parties' fees. How wrong she is. Apparently, she is not aware of California's Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16, dealing with SLAPP suits (like hers). What's a SLAPP suit? A lawsuit filed which has a chilling, intimidating effect on Free Speech.
The law allows a judge to decide at the outset of the suit whether a SLAPP suit has a "probability" of winning. If the judge finds that it does not, the SLAPP must be dismissed, and the SLAPP target wins his or her legal defense costs and attorneys' fees. Get that, Chery baby? Not contract law. Civil law. SLAPP law. Look it up.
The expressive activity which is protected under the new California law is broad. Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16 states that activity which is protected under the law includes any written or oral statement or writing made in a place open to the public or a public forum in connection with an issue of public interest. Making the truth be know about Merrill's stalking, threatening, and litigious behavior is in the public interest.
Often, SLAPPs (such as Merrill's suit against Wollmann) are "camouflaged" as ordinary civil lawsuits based on traditional theories of tort or personal injury law. Among the most often used legal theories are the following:
*Defamation. Broadly defined, this is an alleged intentional false communication, which is either published in a written form (libel) or publicly spoken (slander), that injures one's reputation.
...but Wollmann did not defame Merrill. Merrill *thought* he did, and with the most minimal amount of research and evidence, went off and acted like he did. Dumb move, Jazz Failure!
*Invasion of Privacy. This legal theory refers to the unlawful use or exploitation of one's personality, the publicizing of one's private affairs with which the public has no legitimate concern, or the wrongful intrusion into one's private activities.
...Ah, yes, the Cyberstalking Merrill did of Wollmann, contacting his ex-wife, contacting his boss, etc. Quite the Invasion of Privacy.
*Malicious Prosecution or Abuse of Process. A "malicious prosecution" is a criminal or civil lawsuit which is begun with knowledge that the case lacks merit, and which is brought for a reason (e.g., to harass or annoy) other than to seek a judicial determination of the claim. The use of the legal process to intimidate or to punish the person against whom the suit is brought is generally referred to as "abuse of process."
Merrill's problem, in choosing, beyond all reason or legitimate evidence, to sue Edmond Wollmann, has resulted in *Merrill* Defaming Wollmann, in *Merrill* invading Wollmann's Privacy, and in *Merrill* bringing Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process to the Court against Wollmann.
Merrill thinks the Judge likes Settlement Agreements. Not when the Sued party (Wollmann) has suffered for two years at the shrieking, claws-out, impossible-to-reason-with She-Devil and all of the attacks she has made against him.
No. What Judges like to see is arrogant, deceitful, litigious, oh-look-I'm-a-poor-victim lying jerks like Merrill get SLAPPED down.
By the way, another Legal Document Merrill might want to think about that will annihilate her "Arsenal" is the Amicus Curiae Brief.
What's that, Cheryl?
Oh, it's just a a document which is filed in a court by someone who is not directly related to the case under consideration. The additional information which is found in such a document can be useful for the judge evaluating the case, and it becomes part of the official case record.
The tradition of accepting amicus briefs comes from a larger concept, the amicus curiae, or “friend of the court.” A friend of the court may be interested in a case for various reasons, although he or she is not directly involved. For example, a court might be preparing to try a case related to online stalking or defamation, an issue of great concern to many people. An amicus brief might be filed to discuss the larger ramifications of potential case outcomes, since these ramifications might not be brought up by the prosecution or defense during the course of a trial.
An Amicus Curiae Brief filed in the Court for the Merrill vs Wollmann lawsuit would have statements from many of Merrill's past victims, speaking the very credible truth of how Merrill has treated, attacked, defamed, stalked, and threatened them.
The cost to file such a brief would be minimal, in fact, some Attorneys, such as those who work at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, live for this type of filing and do so Pro Bono.
The law allows a judge to decide at the outset of the suit whether a SLAPP suit has a "probability" of winning. If the judge finds that it does not, the SLAPP must be dismissed, and the SLAPP target wins his or her legal defense costs and attorneys' fees. Get that, Chery baby? Not contract law. Civil law. SLAPP law. Look it up.
The expressive activity which is protected under the new California law is broad. Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16 states that activity which is protected under the law includes any written or oral statement or writing made in a place open to the public or a public forum in connection with an issue of public interest. Making the truth be know about Merrill's stalking, threatening, and litigious behavior is in the public interest.
Often, SLAPPs (such as Merrill's suit against Wollmann) are "camouflaged" as ordinary civil lawsuits based on traditional theories of tort or personal injury law. Among the most often used legal theories are the following:
*Defamation. Broadly defined, this is an alleged intentional false communication, which is either published in a written form (libel) or publicly spoken (slander), that injures one's reputation.
...but Wollmann did not defame Merrill. Merrill *thought* he did, and with the most minimal amount of research and evidence, went off and acted like he did. Dumb move, Jazz Failure!
*Invasion of Privacy. This legal theory refers to the unlawful use or exploitation of one's personality, the publicizing of one's private affairs with which the public has no legitimate concern, or the wrongful intrusion into one's private activities.
...Ah, yes, the Cyberstalking Merrill did of Wollmann, contacting his ex-wife, contacting his boss, etc. Quite the Invasion of Privacy.
*Malicious Prosecution or Abuse of Process. A "malicious prosecution" is a criminal or civil lawsuit which is begun with knowledge that the case lacks merit, and which is brought for a reason (e.g., to harass or annoy) other than to seek a judicial determination of the claim. The use of the legal process to intimidate or to punish the person against whom the suit is brought is generally referred to as "abuse of process."
Merrill's problem, in choosing, beyond all reason or legitimate evidence, to sue Edmond Wollmann, has resulted in *Merrill* Defaming Wollmann, in *Merrill* invading Wollmann's Privacy, and in *Merrill* bringing Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process to the Court against Wollmann.
Merrill thinks the Judge likes Settlement Agreements. Not when the Sued party (Wollmann) has suffered for two years at the shrieking, claws-out, impossible-to-reason-with She-Devil and all of the attacks she has made against him.
No. What Judges like to see is arrogant, deceitful, litigious, oh-look-I'm-a-poor-victim lying jerks like Merrill get SLAPPED down.
By the way, another Legal Document Merrill might want to think about that will annihilate her "Arsenal" is the Amicus Curiae Brief.
What's that, Cheryl?
Oh, it's just a a document which is filed in a court by someone who is not directly related to the case under consideration. The additional information which is found in such a document can be useful for the judge evaluating the case, and it becomes part of the official case record.
The tradition of accepting amicus briefs comes from a larger concept, the amicus curiae, or “friend of the court.” A friend of the court may be interested in a case for various reasons, although he or she is not directly involved. For example, a court might be preparing to try a case related to online stalking or defamation, an issue of great concern to many people. An amicus brief might be filed to discuss the larger ramifications of potential case outcomes, since these ramifications might not be brought up by the prosecution or defense during the course of a trial.
An Amicus Curiae Brief filed in the Court for the Merrill vs Wollmann lawsuit would have statements from many of Merrill's past victims, speaking the very credible truth of how Merrill has treated, attacked, defamed, stalked, and threatened them.
The cost to file such a brief would be minimal, in fact, some Attorneys, such as those who work at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, live for this type of filing and do so Pro Bono.
Cheryl Merrill’s Victims
Edmond Wollmann. Joel Utman. Sheila Rogers. Paul Davidson. Audrey Wulff. Nicoletta Gentile. Violet Blue. Joyce Cassells. Steve Eberhard. Williams-Sonoma. Chris Bridge. Buddy Merrill. Ron Berki. Joseph Hart. Danny Khatib. Joann Woodward. Gays. Lesbians. Kirkland Ellis. Pamela Lauser. You will learn about how these people and companies became victims of Cheryl Merrill’s vindictive crusade.
More evidence of Cheryl Merrill’s Cyberstalking
In the latest video Merrill has posted on her hate-full blog “” (aka “Cheryl Merrill vs. Edmond Wollmann”), Merrill makes an idiotic mistake: She shows a pushpin she created in Google Earth for “Paul Davidson” (the video has been archived in case of later legal need). Why would Cheryl Merrill need to create a Google Earth record for Paul Davidson if not for Cyberstalking?
Why would Merrill cyberstalk Paul Davidson? Because Merrill is more than a mega-fan of Kristy MacNichol. Merrill once created an entire site devoted to MacNichol (violating dozens of copyrights in the process, posting images she had no rights to*). Paul Davidson, who writes an entertaining blog, made some snarky comments about repeatedly running into MacNichol in real life, jokingly suggesting that MacNichol was ’stalking” him.
Enter obsessed MacNichol fan Merrill to the defense! Her complaints about Davidson’s light-hearteed, humorous jibes were over the top, to the point that Davidson called her a “crazy jazz singing lady”. This caused steam to pour out of Merrill’s ears and her veins to pop. Not only did she ratchet up the vitriol in comments on Davidson’s blog, but she started in on defaming comments about him on her own blog.
Not satisified with that level of vindictiveness, Merrill started to vandalize (several times) Davidson’s Wikipedia page, attempting to denigrate and discredit him. Davidson soon learned the Golden Rule in dealing with Merrill; Displease her, or criticize her, and she will be all over you like a cheap suit. A nasty, hateful, cyberstalking cheap suit.
*Wikipedia also forced down copyrighted images of MacNichol that Merrill posted for an article there. Notice a pattern here?
Why would Merrill cyberstalk Paul Davidson? Because Merrill is more than a mega-fan of Kristy MacNichol. Merrill once created an entire site devoted to MacNichol (violating dozens of copyrights in the process, posting images she had no rights to*). Paul Davidson, who writes an entertaining blog, made some snarky comments about repeatedly running into MacNichol in real life, jokingly suggesting that MacNichol was ’stalking” him.
Enter obsessed MacNichol fan Merrill to the defense! Her complaints about Davidson’s light-hearteed, humorous jibes were over the top, to the point that Davidson called her a “crazy jazz singing lady”. This caused steam to pour out of Merrill’s ears and her veins to pop. Not only did she ratchet up the vitriol in comments on Davidson’s blog, but she started in on defaming comments about him on her own blog.
Not satisified with that level of vindictiveness, Merrill started to vandalize (several times) Davidson’s Wikipedia page, attempting to denigrate and discredit him. Davidson soon learned the Golden Rule in dealing with Merrill; Displease her, or criticize her, and she will be all over you like a cheap suit. A nasty, hateful, cyberstalking cheap suit.
*Wikipedia also forced down copyrighted images of MacNichol that Merrill posted for an article there. Notice a pattern here?
Cheryl Merrill,
Paul Davidson,
Cheryl Merrill’s Threats to and Obsession with Sheila Rogers
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A Bad Year Ahead in 2010 for Demonic Entity Cyberbitch
Yahoo, it’s 2010!! This is the year when the Cyberbitch gets creamed in court and fumbles her ass before the Judge!
Since 2009 she’s been cut loose, having lost job after job. She worked desk jobs since way back in 1979, but now she gets to meet and creep out new people with her Notary services. Wait until the National Notary Service and CALDA get notified of her past behaviors and crimes.
Perhaps after everyone finds out the truth about her she’ll have to hightail it out of the States and move to another country. She better have her passport ready.
When Cyberbitch reads blogs by complete strangers on the Internet, and doesn’t like what they say, she commits injustices against them. Then she has the insane belief that she has the legal skills to justify her abhorrent actions.
It doesn’t count as a win if you go to court against Cyber #1 and come back with a Restraining Order against YOU, dummy.
At some point Cyberbitch might grow enough brainpower to realize that messing with other people she hardly knows isn’t worth it, that it’s a sign of mental illness to want to identify the wrong person in her lawsuit and that it will cost her thousands of dollars and numerous hours of their time to deal with.
When a completely crazy Cyberbitch walks into a San Diego courtroom to tell the local judge lies without the flimsiest evidence to defend her insane theories, her response will probably be to file yet another lawsuit. Because she’s nuts. There is no law preventing people from filing lawsuits! Especially insane, evil idiots who try to blame others for the bad things they’ve done!
So the moral of the story for the Cyberbitch go visit a local shrink and re-start that therapy she interrupted back then. To deal with her problems by taking it out on complete strangers is just batshit crazy! A mentally healthy person wouldn’t offer a settlement agreement to someone who she’s been defaming and attacking wrongly, and issuing disturbing death threats to for the past two years.
Judges who see these nutcases with a history of three Restraining Orders, assault on a roommate, being fired from a job for stalking another employee, who make death threats on the Internet and by fax, and go to jail for two weeks, who falsely accuse people publicly of murder, who cyberstalk, who express glee in causing legal fees to other people, who are denied owning guns because of legitimate fears for people’s safety, who are so obsessed with their father, high school classmates, or roommates that they publish numerous disturbing attacks on them, and falsely identify people and lie and try to frame them, then sue them even though she’s been told by so many people, in so many different ways that the person she’s wrongfully suing is not who she says he is…well, when Judges see all this evidence, they give absolutely no credibility to that mentally disturbed Cyberbitch and throw out the lawsuit and provide sanctions against her frivolous lawsuit. It simply won’t bode well for the Cyberbitch to not accept the very simple reality of her incredibly boneheaded and hateful mistake.
I’m all set for 2010!
Since 2009 she’s been cut loose, having lost job after job. She worked desk jobs since way back in 1979, but now she gets to meet and creep out new people with her Notary services. Wait until the National Notary Service and CALDA get notified of her past behaviors and crimes.
Perhaps after everyone finds out the truth about her she’ll have to hightail it out of the States and move to another country. She better have her passport ready.
When Cyberbitch reads blogs by complete strangers on the Internet, and doesn’t like what they say, she commits injustices against them. Then she has the insane belief that she has the legal skills to justify her abhorrent actions.
It doesn’t count as a win if you go to court against Cyber #1 and come back with a Restraining Order against YOU, dummy.
At some point Cyberbitch might grow enough brainpower to realize that messing with other people she hardly knows isn’t worth it, that it’s a sign of mental illness to want to identify the wrong person in her lawsuit and that it will cost her thousands of dollars and numerous hours of their time to deal with.
When a completely crazy Cyberbitch walks into a San Diego courtroom to tell the local judge lies without the flimsiest evidence to defend her insane theories, her response will probably be to file yet another lawsuit. Because she’s nuts. There is no law preventing people from filing lawsuits! Especially insane, evil idiots who try to blame others for the bad things they’ve done!
So the moral of the story for the Cyberbitch go visit a local shrink and re-start that therapy she interrupted back then. To deal with her problems by taking it out on complete strangers is just batshit crazy! A mentally healthy person wouldn’t offer a settlement agreement to someone who she’s been defaming and attacking wrongly, and issuing disturbing death threats to for the past two years.
Judges who see these nutcases with a history of three Restraining Orders, assault on a roommate, being fired from a job for stalking another employee, who make death threats on the Internet and by fax, and go to jail for two weeks, who falsely accuse people publicly of murder, who cyberstalk, who express glee in causing legal fees to other people, who are denied owning guns because of legitimate fears for people’s safety, who are so obsessed with their father, high school classmates, or roommates that they publish numerous disturbing attacks on them, and falsely identify people and lie and try to frame them, then sue them even though she’s been told by so many people, in so many different ways that the person she’s wrongfully suing is not who she says he is…well, when Judges see all this evidence, they give absolutely no credibility to that mentally disturbed Cyberbitch and throw out the lawsuit and provide sanctions against her frivolous lawsuit. It simply won’t bode well for the Cyberbitch to not accept the very simple reality of her incredibly boneheaded and hateful mistake.
I’m all set for 2010!
Cheryl Merrill has a fraudulent website: Nob Hill Notary Services.
If you’re in the Bay Area, seeking Notary services, are you going to patronize a woman who runs a “dummy” Notary business”? A woman who, if you slight her, will cyberstalk you and dig up anything she can on you and publish foul, vicious creepy articles about you on her blog? Do you want her finding out personal information about you? Your finances? Your mortgage? Your business contracts? Coming to your place of business? Your home?
Cheryl Merrill claims she is a Licensed Notary, Registered Process Server, County and City of San Francisco #2008-0001091. As of this date (Jan 2, 2010) she has two websites up and live, promoting her Notary Services. One of them, however, is fraudulent: Why do I say it is fraudulent? Because Merrill says it is fraudulent! From her blog entry of August 2, 2009 (still live as of 1/2/2010 and archived):
“I was able to easily deduce from my Nob Hill Notary Dummy Business Site’s visitor log the individual who posted another threatening message…I set up a dummy business for cheap (it only costs around $100 to get a business license and fictitous name, then you just put up the dummy site)“
So Merrill admits that the site is a “dummy business”. That means it’s a fraud. She set up the site to “trap” people who visited it. What a lame idea, in the first place. If you set up a website on the Internet, yeah, people are going to visit it. Google is going to scrape it. If you have no idea how IP numbers work, it does you no good to collect them, and applying some bizarre voodoo to come out with results that jump to all sorts of ridiculous conclusions…well, that’s just stupid. And nuts. But here’s the deal: She continues to promote that site as a legitimate business!
When did it stop being a “dummy site” and become a real business? Even though it competes with another Notary website she runs ( ) she still has the Nob Hill Notary web site live, and promotes it on her LinkedIn page at :
“Cheryl Meril Legal Document Assistant (LDA) & Notary Public San Francisco Bay Area * Contact Cheryl Meril * Add Cheryl Meril to your network
* Founder, Legal Document Assistant (LDA) at At Your Service Legal Document Prep
* Founder, Notary Public & Signing Agent at Nob Hill Notary Services”
“Founder, Notary Public & Signing Agent Nob Hill Notary Services (Legal Services industry)
October 2009 — Present (4 months) Notary Public, Mobile Notary and Loan Signing Agent services. Certified and background screened by the National Notary Association.“
So, there are a number of very disturbing questions raised here:
1. Why does Cheryl Merrill promote her alter ego as “Cheryl Meril”? Was that a legal name change? If not, would you trust a Notary who goes by two identities?
2. Why is Cheryl Merrill lying on her LinkedIn page about Nob Hill Notary? She says she founded it in October 2009. But the fraudulent website for it was up for it as early as August 2, by Merrill’s own published blog admission. In fact, it was created on April 10, 2008. (verified via whois lookup and archived). And she’s already admitted it was a dummy business.
3. Isn’t it ironic that Merrill states: “Being a Notary Public for the State of California makes me especially sensitive to issues of false identities and frauds” when in fact, she’s got a false identity (Which name is real and legal? Merrill or Meril?) and is running and promoting a fraudulent, dummy business and website…as a Notary!?
4. Why would you need two websites to run a Notary business? Wouldn’t you wonder why in the hell a Notary would do that? Especially if that Notary admits that one of the sites is bogus?
5. Is it ethical, or even legal, what Meril/Merrill is doing here? Purporting to be a Notary who is going to verify or vouch for your identity, yet you cannot be sure who *she* says she is? If you seek out her services at Nob Hill, you are (again, by her own admission) patronizing a “dummy business” at a “Dummy site”.
6. Did CALDA (California Association for Legal Document Assistants ), NNA (National Notary Association) really do a thorough background check on Merrill/Meril? Did they only run it on “Meril” and not catch the fact that “Merrill” has a current Restraining Order against her? Or the fact that she was jailed for communicated threats? Were they not made aware of her history of Restraining Orders against her, her cyberstalking, her Death Threats, her vicious campaigns of defamation, hate mail, and hate blogs? Her vehement and shocking statements against gays? Against lesbians?
7. Does the County and City of San Francisco know of Merrill’s virulent anti-gay and anti-lesbian diatribes? Of her criminal background (jailed for threatening Sheila Rogers)? Her history of Restraining Orders (one to keep away from Chris Bridge, one to keep away from Joyce Cassells, one to keep away from Joel Utman/Gray). Once they know about the truth behind Merrill, will they continue to allow her to act as a Notary?
If CALDA, NNA, the Women’s Network of Entrepeneurs, and Lawyers & Legal Professionals using JD Supra, etc. didn’t know about her history, criminal records, and overall paranoid, obsessive, unethical and sickening behavior, they will now. Merrill seeks “dirt’ on attorneys who respond to her frivolous complaints. She would be a hypocrite if she didn’t welcome all these organizations being made aware of all the “dirt” on her.
And if you’re in the Bay Area, seeking Notary services, are you going to patronize a woman who runs a “dummy” Notary business”? A woman who, if you slight her, will cyberstalk you and dig up anything she can on you and publish foul, vicious creepy articles about you on her blog? Do you want her finding out personal information about you? Your finances? Your mortgage? Your business contracts? Coming to your place of business? Your home?
Is that the way an ethical Notary acts?
Cheryl Merrill claims she is a Licensed Notary, Registered Process Server, County and City of San Francisco #2008-0001091. As of this date (Jan 2, 2010) she has two websites up and live, promoting her Notary Services. One of them, however, is fraudulent: Why do I say it is fraudulent? Because Merrill says it is fraudulent! From her blog entry of August 2, 2009 (still live as of 1/2/2010 and archived):
“I was able to easily deduce from my Nob Hill Notary Dummy Business Site’s visitor log the individual who posted another threatening message…I set up a dummy business for cheap (it only costs around $100 to get a business license and fictitous name, then you just put up the dummy site)“
So Merrill admits that the site is a “dummy business”. That means it’s a fraud. She set up the site to “trap” people who visited it. What a lame idea, in the first place. If you set up a website on the Internet, yeah, people are going to visit it. Google is going to scrape it. If you have no idea how IP numbers work, it does you no good to collect them, and applying some bizarre voodoo to come out with results that jump to all sorts of ridiculous conclusions…well, that’s just stupid. And nuts. But here’s the deal: She continues to promote that site as a legitimate business!
When did it stop being a “dummy site” and become a real business? Even though it competes with another Notary website she runs ( ) she still has the Nob Hill Notary web site live, and promotes it on her LinkedIn page at :
“Cheryl Meril Legal Document Assistant (LDA) & Notary Public San Francisco Bay Area * Contact Cheryl Meril * Add Cheryl Meril to your network
* Founder, Legal Document Assistant (LDA) at At Your Service Legal Document Prep
* Founder, Notary Public & Signing Agent at Nob Hill Notary Services”
“Founder, Notary Public & Signing Agent Nob Hill Notary Services (Legal Services industry)
October 2009 — Present (4 months) Notary Public, Mobile Notary and Loan Signing Agent services. Certified and background screened by the National Notary Association.“
So, there are a number of very disturbing questions raised here:
1. Why does Cheryl Merrill promote her alter ego as “Cheryl Meril”? Was that a legal name change? If not, would you trust a Notary who goes by two identities?
2. Why is Cheryl Merrill lying on her LinkedIn page about Nob Hill Notary? She says she founded it in October 2009. But the fraudulent website for it was up for it as early as August 2, by Merrill’s own published blog admission. In fact, it was created on April 10, 2008. (verified via whois lookup and archived). And she’s already admitted it was a dummy business.
3. Isn’t it ironic that Merrill states: “Being a Notary Public for the State of California makes me especially sensitive to issues of false identities and frauds” when in fact, she’s got a false identity (Which name is real and legal? Merrill or Meril?) and is running and promoting a fraudulent, dummy business and website…as a Notary!?
4. Why would you need two websites to run a Notary business? Wouldn’t you wonder why in the hell a Notary would do that? Especially if that Notary admits that one of the sites is bogus?
5. Is it ethical, or even legal, what Meril/Merrill is doing here? Purporting to be a Notary who is going to verify or vouch for your identity, yet you cannot be sure who *she* says she is? If you seek out her services at Nob Hill, you are (again, by her own admission) patronizing a “dummy business” at a “Dummy site”.
6. Did CALDA (California Association for Legal Document Assistants ), NNA (National Notary Association) really do a thorough background check on Merrill/Meril? Did they only run it on “Meril” and not catch the fact that “Merrill” has a current Restraining Order against her? Or the fact that she was jailed for communicated threats? Were they not made aware of her history of Restraining Orders against her, her cyberstalking, her Death Threats, her vicious campaigns of defamation, hate mail, and hate blogs? Her vehement and shocking statements against gays? Against lesbians?
7. Does the County and City of San Francisco know of Merrill’s virulent anti-gay and anti-lesbian diatribes? Of her criminal background (jailed for threatening Sheila Rogers)? Her history of Restraining Orders (one to keep away from Chris Bridge, one to keep away from Joyce Cassells, one to keep away from Joel Utman/Gray). Once they know about the truth behind Merrill, will they continue to allow her to act as a Notary?
If CALDA, NNA, the Women’s Network of Entrepeneurs, and Lawyers & Legal Professionals using JD Supra, etc. didn’t know about her history, criminal records, and overall paranoid, obsessive, unethical and sickening behavior, they will now. Merrill seeks “dirt’ on attorneys who respond to her frivolous complaints. She would be a hypocrite if she didn’t welcome all these organizations being made aware of all the “dirt” on her.
And if you’re in the Bay Area, seeking Notary services, are you going to patronize a woman who runs a “dummy” Notary business”? A woman who, if you slight her, will cyberstalk you and dig up anything she can on you and publish foul, vicious creepy articles about you on her blog? Do you want her finding out personal information about you? Your finances? Your mortgage? Your business contracts? Coming to your place of business? Your home?
Is that the way an ethical Notary acts?
Insane Cyberbitch Running Amok

Since the beginning of time, certain women have believed themselves to be above the law. They whine about “Big Brother” and try to blame others but really, they are the culprits. Usually these kind of people are mentally ill and delusional whose masquerade eventually unravels. Psychotic murderer Aileen Wuornos is just one example. These type of people push the envelope with their behavior to the point of being institutionalized or being put in prison
Here’s what self-described victims of “Demonic Entities” with a corrupt mental capacity do. They write propaganda on blogs about innocent victims. They then report that person to the police, make death threats against them, create, deface, and vandalize Wikipedia pages, set up fraudulent Notary webs sites, get Restraining Orders filed against themselves, and file frivolous lawsuits against people with absolutely zero good evidence. Thankfully, the Judge will read what the Cyberbitch wrote about her victims, see that she went to jail for her threatening behavior, and whack her in her loony head with his awesome gavel.
Imagine if you were a target of such a vindictive individual such as the Cyberbitch? That she would set up an blog(s) on you full of all kinds of misrepresentations and lies and then report you to the police and lie to a local judge about them creating websites they never did? Someone should write a screenplay about this kind of thing. It should be called “CyberBitch/Cyberstalker”. People have no idea how destructive to one’s life this kind of stuff is,..except people like Nicoletta Gentile, Joyce Cassells, Sheila Rogers, Paul Davidson, Audrey Wulff, Chris Bridge, Danny Khatib, Edmond Wollmann, Buddy Merrill, and so many others. They know EXACTLY how destructive one Cyberbitch can be to their lives.
The bottom line is this. This bitch needs to come to terms that she can’t get away with not taking a look in the mirror at herself and her behavior any longer. She’s not above the law! She needs to stop blaming others for her insecurity problems and go visit her local therapist. Again!
Who is Cheryl Merrill aka Cheryl Meril?
Cheryl Merrill is a vindictive, misanthropic blogger and cyberstalker from San Francisco who has been issued several Restraining Orders for her threats and behavior. One of these threats (against Sheila Rogers) resulted in, by Merrill’s own admission, a two week jail stay. Ms. Merrill is currently under a Restraining Order now. She tries to pass herself off as an ethical Notary (as “Cheryl Meril”) who has undergone “extensive background checks”. Too bad CALDA and the NNA didn’t check with any of the victims of Merrill’s threats and defamation.
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